Contact Us

Please contact the airline on your air waybill (AWB) with questions about your shipments. Note: An AWB starting with 027 indicates an Alaska Air Cargo shipment and an AWB starting with 173 indicates a Hawaiian Air Cargo shipment. 

As we begin to combine our cargo operations, some cargo stations will be co-located and operating separately while we continue to fully integrate. Please refer to your originating carrier for shipping requirements and eligibility.

Give Us A Call

Alaska Air Cargo

Shipping with Alaska?
To book, track or inquire about your shipments, our Alaska Air Cargo team is happy to help.

Hawaiian Air Cargo

Shipping with Hawaiian?
To book, track or inquire about your shipments, our Hawaiian Air Cargo team is happy to help.

Chat with Alaska Air Cargo

Our customer service agents are ready to answer questions over a live chat.

Note: This feature is only available for general inquiries or modifications to existing shipments and AWBs.

Email Us

Alaska Air Cargo

Our inbox is monitored during regular business hours. Please reach out to our Call Center for time-sensitive questions.

Email Us

Hawaiian Air Cargo

Online Account Management

Request your account here and a member of our team will follow up with instructions on how to set up and use your account.

Request Online Access